South Hedland Primary School
An Independent Public School
Library and Home Reading Program
Library Officer - Mrs Hannah Salam
Reading to children and with children is often an enjoyable event which fosters positive relationships. It also plays an important role in the development of language and literacy skills and general knowledge.
Our School Library is packed full of interesting and exciting books for all ages. Our Library Officer, Barbara Tretheway, regularly updates titles and series so that your children have access to the best possible range of fiction and non-fiction literature. Classes regularly provide displays of their work for our Library based on stories or topics they have been learning about, so it is always filled with bright and colourful displays.
Library Borrowing
Each class will have a set library time each week.
Students are permitted to borrow most books for up to two consecutive weeks, giving them enough time to enjoy novels and larger reference books.
We adhere to a strict no library bag = no borrowing policy, so we ask parents to take note of their class schedule and ensure that library books and bags come to school on your child’s library day.
Decodable Home Readers
In addition to Library Borrowing, our Home Reading Program will be in place for students in lower primary and for other students who may benefit from using them. These are special books for students to practise reading (decoding) skills. These books will be selected to match your child’s reading development and will be introduced at different times of the year depending on your child’s age and reading level.
Children who are reading at a level beyond the Decodable Home Readers will be encouraged to borrow more challenging books from the library.
Students require a plastic document wallet to be permitted to borrow Home Readers. If you supplied a document wallet with your booklist, you do not need to purchase another. Please check with classroom teachers if you are unsure and to find out if your child will participate in this program.
Lost or damaged books
Our library operates on a tight budget, so if a book is lost or returned damaged, the school will invoice the student’s parent/guardian for the cost of replacement.
At 15 days overdue, a notice will be given to alert parents to the child’s overdue book.
At 21 days overdue, an invoice for the cost of the lost book will be issued.
Students will not be allowed to borrow library books until invoices are settled.
Home Reading Challenge
Each term, students will have the opportunity to participate in a Home Reading Challenge. Students are encouraged to record one reading experience per day and will receive a certificate for each level they achieve.
Students can spend time reading on any day, so for example could accumulate up to 7 days of home reading each week. A parent/guardian must sign each days reading.
A reading experience can be reading a Home Reader, reading or being read a picture book or 10-15 minutes of reading from a longer book or magazine.
The Home Reading Log sheet should be kept in a student’s Home Reading folder or their library bag so teachers can track student progress. When a student reaches milestones in days of Home Reading they will receive a special certificate and prize at assembly.