South Hedland Primary School
An Independent Public School
KindiLink - Mrs Loveena Brown and Aunty Colleen Gilla
KindiLink is a play-and-learn initiative for Indigenous three-year-old children who attend with a parent/carer. There are 38 selected schools running the KindiLink Program across Western Australia.
This class operates on Monday and Tuesday mornings from 9am-12pm. Each session consists of high quality play-and-learn sessions for children and their parent/carer at no cost to families, with families supported to be actively involved in the activities with their children.
Children and their families can participate in many activities including; story and song time, craft, cooking, shared fruit, indoor and outdoor play, learning games, incursions and excursions. All areas of child development are strengthened by participating in our program which will ensure a smoother transition into Kindergarten.
Where capacity exists, younger siblings may also attend. Children and families from outside KindiLink school’s catchment area are welcome to participate in KindiLink.
For more information or if you would like your child to attend to attend, please call the school on 9172 7272.