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School Information - Communicating with Families

South Hedland Primary School values and prioritises regular and meaningful communication with families. Teachers, Teaching Assistants and School Leadership members may contact families from time to time via phone. Appointments to talk with teachers and administration staff can be made via phone or in person at the school office. We also utilise several applications to allow for communication between home and school.

Regular updates, newsletters and important notifications are sent multiple times each week from the Skoolbag App. Teachers share student learning via the Seesaw App, and as needed parents are notified of student's unexplained absences by our school SMS Program - MGM Outreach. Parents are invited to speak to classroom teachers or come to the office to seek assistance with using any of these Apps.

Audiri App

School - Home Communication

Audiri is our primary method of communication with the entire school community. It is regularly updated with upcoming events, permission notes and is where the School Newsletter is posted fortnightly. 


Using the Audiri App, also helps parents to keep the school informed with updating their contact details and notify the school of a students absence.


To install the app, just search for the Audiri App, register for an account then subscribe to South Hedland Primary School.

How to create an Audiri account | Audiri Help Center

Audiri_How to Download Guide_SCHOOLS_A4.jpg

Seesaw Families App

Classroom - Home Communication

Your child, or child's teacher, will add work to Seesaw to share their learning with you. Teachers will also send important messages and reminders using Seesaw. Parents are able to write messages to teachers.  


When there are new posts or messages, you'll be notified and can see what's new! 


Seesaw is private. You’ll only see posts created by your child. Learn more about Seesaw's commitment to privacy at

Getting Started:

  1. Download 'Seesaw Family' from the App Store or Google Play Store. Don’t have a smartphone? Sign up on a computer at

  2. Tap 'Create Family Account' and scan the QR code on the handout provided by the teacher. Make sure it says your child's name at the top. 

  3. Create your account to see your child's journal! Make sure to allow notifications to get real-time updates about new posts.

To additional children in the App:

  1. Sign in to your family account.

  2. Tap your profile icon (top left).

  3. Tap “+ Add Child's Journal”.

  4. Scan the QR code for your other child.

  5. Add additional children, each child will have their own QR Code.  

MGM Outreach - Text Messaging

Attendance Text Messages and Very important messages 

South Hedland Primary School uses MGM Outreach to communicate with families regarding student attendance and send very important messages from time to time.  This system will notify parents when their child absent and a reason has not been provided to the school. It then provides an option for parents to reply with a reason for their child's absence via SMS.


The communication system will also be used to send very important messages from time to time, but does not replace Skoolbag which is our main communication tool for school updates and Newsletters.

All absences are recorded by classroom teachers before 9.30am. Rolls are electronically marked. Once rolls are finalised, the communication system will automatically send a text message to parent/guardian mobile phones if your child is absent from school (in the instance that an explanation has not been received). 


The system generated message will be similar to:
"SHPS records show John Citizen is absent Fri, 21/05/21. Please SMS reply student name/reason/absent date"

Parents are asked to please ensure that their phone number on record is up to date. 

Updates to parent/carer contact details can be made via:


Copyright 2021 by South Hedland Primary School.  All Rights Reserved. 

This website is maintained by South Hedland Primary School. If you have any questions or comments about any material contained on this website please do not hesitate to contact us.

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