South Hedland Primary School
An Independent Public School
COVID-19 Information for Parents
We are acting on the advice of the WA Department of Health to take the necessary precautions for schools and staff.
All Western Australian public schools are being supported by the Department of Education to implement a plan in relation to COVID-19.
Current public schooling arrangements
The Department of Education remains committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of all students and staff. We continue to follow the advice of the WA Chief Health Officer and the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) to take the necessary precautions related to COVID-19. More information is available from the WA Department of Health.
All students are expected to attend school, except for those students medically referred to learn from home. This means students are either:
at school
unwell and should stay at home
medically referred to learn from home, or
recorded as absent if they do not attend.
Good hygiene practices should be promoted and maintained.
Parents/carers and visitors may access school sites at the discretion of the principal/site manager, with good hygiene practices applied.
Health and hygiene
The safety of our students and staff is our number one priority. Arrangements are in place with regard to safety, to reduce direct contact, enhance personal hygiene practices, and strengthen cleaning regimes in our schools that are open outside of lockdown areas.
All schools will have cleaning staff working throughout the day to ensure all high-use areas, such as benchtops, desks, doorknobs, taps and handrails, are regularly cleaned and surfaces disinfected.
Playgrounds are open and play equipment will be cleaned once per day.
Supplies of soap and other cleaning agents are available for all schools.
Students and staff are encouraged to wash their hands as often as possible.
Schools can choose to implement staggered start and finish times to reduce contact.
Current national medical advice confirms that the two square metre rule and the 1.5 metre distancing between students during classroom activities is not required.
Curriculum support
The Learning at home website is available for additional learning resources, activities and information to help children and parents continue learning at home if needed.
For more information
WA Department of Health: healthywa.wa.gov.au/coronavirus
Call the Coronavirus information helpline on 13 COVID (13 268 43).
If you require advice or support for your child’s education due to COVID-19, contact your school or education regional office.
For further advice or support for your child's schooling arrangements phone the Parent COVID-19 Helpline on 1800 882 345 (8.00am to 4.00pm) or email CoronavirusSupport@education.wa.edu.au.
For general or travel related queries about COVID-19 visit healthdirect.
Visit the Australian Department of Health website or details about the COVID-19).
You can also visit the World Health Organisation website for more information about COVID-19 and for updates.
Telethon Institute for Kids - Tips for discussing Coronavirus (COVID-19) with your kids
Please check back regularly to ensure the information you have is up to date.